In the News
- HSVMA Louisiana State Representative, Dr. Kate Maher, offers advice on how to keep your pet safe during summer activities.
May 25, 2024
- HSVMA Program Director of Advocacy and Outreach, Dr. Barbara Hodges, comments on factors contributing to the veterinary professional shortage and how the field could help bring veterinary care to more people and their pets.
April 29, 2024
- HSVMA CO State Representative, Dr. Jon Geller, and AZ State Representative, Dr. Nellie Goetz, are proponents of and providers at One Health clinics, where people can receive services for themselves and their pets.
April 16, 2024
- In support of bills in Rhode Island and Massachusetts that would outlaw feline declawing, Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Program Director of Advocacy and Outreach, notes that "declawing exposes the patient to risks of anesthesia, infection, and blood loss as well as chronic pain, nerve damage and lameness.”
March 13, 2024
- Dr. Lorna Grande, HSVMA Program Director of Education and Outreach, is interviewed for an all-to-common story about families who purchased puppies from a store only to find out that their new family member was sick and needed costly medical care.
August 9, 2023
- As the weather heats up this summer, Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Program Director of Advocacy and Outreach, warns of the dangers for pets and advises owners to consider the humidity index in addition to the temperature outside.
July 27, 2023
- The veterinarian shortage is being addressed in part by new veterinary schools such as the one at The University of Arizona, which graduates students in just three years instead of four, says Dr. Nellie Goetz, HSVMA AZ State Representative.
April 25, 2023
- Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Program Director of Advocacy and Outreach, warns of the dangers to pets with prolonged exposure to lawn care chemicals such as herbicides.
March 31, 2023
- Dr. Michael Blackwell, HSVMA Board member and Director of the Program for Pet Health Equity, is interviewed about AlignCare and how this program can help provide access to veterinary care.
March 20, 2023
- In a HumanePro article about FIV-positive cats, Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Program Director of Advocacy and Outreach, and Dr. Eileen Jefferson, HSVMA NY State Representative, discuss what the general public should know about adopting and caring for an FIV-positive cat.
March 16, 2023
- HSVMA Program Director of Education and Outreach, Dr. Lorna Grande, comments about the exaggerated characteristics that may make brachycephalic breeds cute, but not healthy, in an article about the rise of the French Bulldog to the number one dog breed in the United States.
March 15, 2023
- HSVMA is identified as one organization advocating for better health standards of brachycephalic pets in an article that exposes puppy store employees admitting that these animals suffer from unhealthy breeding.
January 3, 2023
- Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Program Director of Advocacy and Outreach, explains why she was one of many humane leaders who submitted a letter to the Associated Press requesting that it update its style guide’s recommendation on the use of personal pronouns for nonhuman animals.
December 2022
- In an article that all pet owners should read, Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Program Director of Advocacy and Outreach, helps identify habits that pet owners should avoid.
December 10, 2022
- Dr. Gail Hansen, HSVMA District of Columbia State Representative, explains why state departments are recommending the removal of bird feeders as the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) virus spreads across the U.S.
April 22, 2022
- HSVMA opposes the use of devocalization surgery for any animal as it provides no medical benefit and is often associated with complications and significant health risks.
May 13, 2022
- Dr. Nikhil Joshi, HSVMA MD and PA State Co-Representative, was interviewed about the declawing procedure and how it results in pain and permanent damage to a cat's anatomy.
May 1, 2022
- The veterinary workforce shortage is impacting all aspects of the profession. Dr. Katie Gray, HSVMA UT State Representative, Dr. Sadina Scott, HSVMA KS State Representative, and Pam Runquist, HSVMA Executive Director, discuss what it takes to attract and retain staff during this crisis.
April 2022
- If you are a cat lover but are allergic, Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Program Director of Advocacy and Outreach, offers some tips for those who react to cat allergens.
April 2022
- HSVMA Executive Director, Pam Runquist, contributed to a piece about the shortage of veterinary professionals, siting several reasons why professionals leave the field and what resources HSVMA is providing to help retain them.
April 2022
- As a Maryland Senate bill that would ban the declawing of felines gains momentum, Dr. Nicholas Dodman, HSVMA Leadership Council member and MD State Representative, testified in support of the bill becoming law.
February 2022
- Dr. Anne Quain, HSVMA Leadership Council member, asks that clients be patient when visiting their local veterinary clinic as the pandemic has hit the veterinary profession hard due to staff shortages and increased wait times.
January 2022
- HSVMA member, Dr. Shelly Pancoast, addresses the real breed-related problem in her state: the rise in brachycephalic ownership.
January 2022
- HSVMA's Program Manager of Student Outreach, Heather Schrader, RVT, voices her opinion on the easiest way to keep licensed veterinary technicians from leaving the profession.
January 2022
- Dr. Holly Cheever, HSVMA Leadership Council member, comments on the animal welfare and public safety issues caused by horse-drawn carriages in Philadelphia and other cities around the world.
January 2022
- The UK Kennel Club has decided that the exaggerated brachycephalic characteristics of French Bulldogs will not be accepted as ideal standards for the breed, citing information on HSVMA's 'The Cost of Cuteness' resource page.
December 2021
- Pam Runquist, Executive Director of HSVMA, addresses the needs of pet rabbits and the best place to find one if you're looking to adopt one as a family member.
November 2021
- HSVMA supports a carriage ban in Philadelphia due to health and safety concerns for the horses and the public. The last remaining carriage stable may be demolished for future commercial development.
September 2021
- HSVMA Connecticut State Representative, Dr. Melissa Shapiro, discusses her new book and how Piglet, her deaf and blind dog, came into her life. Together they teach inclusion, empathy, and kindness.
August 9, 2021
- Extreme heat is being felt across the country and Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Director of Advocacy and Outreach, discusses what to consider in order to keep our pets safe.
August 6, 2021
- Hawaii's legislative year closes with seven new animal protection laws thanks to help from HSVMA HI State Co-Representatives Dr. Ranaella Steinberg and Dr. Eric Jayne.
July 13, 2021
- Dr. Michelle Dally, HSVMA Florida State Co-Representative, provided free veterinary care to pets of the homeless with Brevard Street Dog Coalition as part of a One Health clinic where Brevard Health Alliance provided COVID-19 vaccines to the clients.
June 24, 2021
- Although not a typical ingredient of most dog diets, cranberries can be a healthy treat in moderation, and Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Director of Advocacy and Outreach, advises how to safely provide these snacks to your canine friend.
June 21, 2021
- Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Director of Advocacy and Outreach, advices on the best way to find a hypoallergenic cat that fits with your lifestyle and how to integrate him/her into your home.
June 17, 2021
- It is important to be informed of brachycephalic syndrome if you own a flat-faced breed of dog. HSVMA California State Co-Representative and Board President, Dr. Barry Kipperman, speaks of the many complications that come with these cute canines.
May 27, 2021
- HSVMA Wisconsin State Representative, Dr. Susan Krebsbach, provides expertise for easing pets back into your post-pandemic routine.
May 26, 2021
- The welfare of carriage horses in Philadelphia has Dr. Holly Cheever, HSVMA Leadership Council member, and HSVMA endorsing a ban due to the dangerous work and detrimental effects to the horses' health.
April 26, 2021
- HSVMA Board President, Dr. Barry Kipperman, speaks of his experience treating brachycephalic breeds and the emotional and financial burdens their owners carry.
April 20, 2021
- Caring for pets with disabilities can be challenging, as HSVMA Connecticut State Representative Dr. Melissa Shapiro outlines in her lecture at the Fetch dvm360 virtual conference - but the rewards are many!
February 27, 2021
- HSVMA Leadership Council member, Dr. Holly Cheever, submitted a letter to the editor condemning a cruel squirrel hunt in New York State.
February 27, 2021
- February is Spay & Neuter Awareness Month and HSVMA Director of Advocacy and Outreach, Dr. Barbara Hodges, and HSUS Texas State Director, Lauren Loney, commented on the importance of addressing pet overpopulation.
February 23, 2021
- HSVMA GA State Co-Representative, Dr. Sharon Crowell-Davis, comments on a study which suggests that increasing a cat's protein intake and the amount of play time will curb a cat's instinct to hunt and kill wildlife.
February 11, 2021
- HSVMA's statement calling farmed mink a "significant public health threat" was quoted in an online Sierra Club article about the role mink have played in the coronavirus pandemic.
January 7, 2021
- The Iditarod sled dog race raises controversy every year, and Dr. Paula Kislak, HSVMA Board member and CA State Co-Representative, speaks to the suffering that canine participants endure during the grueling, 1000 mile race.
November 9, 2020
- HSVMA WI State Representative, Dr. Susan Krebsbach, and HSVMA Leadership Council member and MA State Co-Representative, Dr. Nicholas Dodman, discuss why our canine family members may circle before they lie down to rest.
October 2020
- Pam Runquist, Executive Director of HSVMA, was interviewed about the increase in dog adoptions and economic boost in dog-related products during the pandemic.
September 2020
- Dr. Zarah Hedge, HSVMA Leadership Council member, spoke at the AVMA Virtual Convention about potential barriers to access to care and how the veterinary profession can break them down.
September 16, 2020
- HSVMA Leadership Council members, Dr. Holly Cheever, Dr. Anne Fawcett and Dr. Nicholas Dodman, published a commentary in dvm360 outlining the many reasons why HSVMA opposes non-therapeutic feline toe amputation.
August 2020
- Veterinary telemedicine has become an essential tool during the pandemic and regulations are changing to accommodate social distancing requirements and other barriers to veterinary care. Dr. Nellie Goetz, HSVMA AZ State Representative, Dr. Melissa Shapiro, HSVMA CT State Representative, and Dr. Michael Blackwell, HSVMA Board member, weigh in on how telemedicine has changed their approach to providing care.
Summer 2020
- As pet owners face hardships during the pandemic, non-profit organizations that provide free or low-cost care search for ways to adapt to the increased need and new safety concerns, says Dr.Jon Geller, HSVMA CO State Representative and Founder/Director of The Street Dog Coalition.
June 2020
- It's wise to keep dogs away from standing bodies of water this summer, says Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Director of Advocacy and Outreach, as exposure to toxic cyanobacteria living in the water can be fatal.
May 2020
- HSVMA Leadership Council member, Dr. Holly Cheever, has been advocating for the end to horse-drawn carriages across the country and sheds light on the dangers to these working equines.
May 2020
- Changes in your daily routine during the pandemic can lead to behavioral changes in your pets, as Dr. Gail Hansen, HSVMA DC Representative, points out in an article about how pets are in tune with their owners' body language.
May 2020
- Compassion fatigue and burnout have become compounded during the pandemic, and Dr. Barry Kipperman, HSVMA Board President and CA State Representative, shares some ways to help team members overcome these challenges.
April 2020
- 'Pet fail' videos, increasingly popular online, could be detrimental to an animal's behavioral health according to Dr. Susan Krebsbach, HSVMA WI State Representative.
April 2020
- Dr. Jon Geller, HSVMA CO State Representative and Director and Founder of The Street Dog Coalition, writes about how services to some of the most vulnerable populations and their pets are being cut due to the pandemic.
March 2020
- Pet owners must be very vigilant regarding pet exposure to cleaning products and medications warns Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Director of Advocacy and Outreach.
March 2020
- Veterinarians often suffer from "moral stress," says Dr. Barry Kipperman, HSVMA Board President and CA State Representative, in an article about high suicide rates within the veterinary profession.
March 2020
- Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA Director of Advocacy and Outreach, clears up misconceptions about ticks and the diseases they can carry.
March 2020
- Pets of the homeless get free veterinary care in San Diego thanks to Street Dog Coalition, a non-profit founded by Dr. Jon Geller, HSVMA CO State Representative.
January 2020
- Dr. Jon Geller, HSVMA CO State Representative, inspires a Fetch dvm360 attendee to bring access to care to his town in Oregon after volunteering at a street medicine clinic in San Diego.
December 2019
- Dr. Susan Krebsbach, HSVMA WI State Representative, discusses the alternatives to cat declawing in an effort to educate the public about the painful procedure which involves amputation of a cat's first digits.
November 2019
- In an article about how policy makers and activists are including pets when it comes to solving the homeless crisis, Dr. Jon Geller, HSVMA CO State Representative, talks about how he started his non-profit, The Street Dog Coalition.
November 2019
- HSVMA board member, Nicole Paquette, welcomed news that the Association of Zoos and Aquariums will begin phasing out the use of bullhooks at all member zoos.
October 2019
- Dr. Gary Block, HSVMA Board member and RI State Representative, discusses options for paying vet bills and managing any debt incurred.
October 2019
- HSVMA, along with the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine HSVMA student chapter, The Street Dog Coalition, Street Medicine Detroit, and Burners Without Borders, provides free services to the homeless and near-homeless population of Detroit.
October 2019
- Several organizations, including HSVMA, came together at Capitol Hill on September 10, 2019, to voice their support for three equine welfare bills.
September 2019
- HSVMA is one of many groups which supports the ban in New York State on selling foie gras obtained from the inhumane practice of force-feeding birds.
September 2019
- Dr. Eileen Jefferson, HSVMA NY State Representative, is interviewed in an article about New York becoming the first state to ban the declawing of cats.
July 2019
- Advice to pet owners about avoiding sticker shock at the vet is offered by HSVMA Board member and Rhode Island State Representative, Dr. Gary Block.
July 2019
- Dr. Gail Hansen, HSVMA District of Columbia Representative, remarks upon the close relationship between antibiotic resistance and large-scale industrial farming as drug company, Elanco, urges farmers to give the drugs to herds on a daily basis.
June 2019
- HSVMA Board member, Dr. Barry Kellogg, speaks about the dangers of high heat and humidity to our canine companions as summer temperatures rise.
May 2019
- Dr. Barry Kipperman, HSVMA Board President and CA State Co-Representative, discusses the hidden costs of adopting a brachycephalic dog and a new campaign to raise awareness in Short faces; long medical bills.
June 2019
- Dr. Katy Nelson, HSVMA Leadership Council member, is asked Should Your Dog Try the Keto Diet? An Expert Weighs in on Trendy Human Diets for Pets.
May 2019
- Companion animal obesity has become a welfare issue as its prevalence increases, states Dr. Barry Kipperman, HSVMA Board of Directors member and California State Co-Representative.
August 2018
- Dr. Zarah Hedge, a member of the HSVMA Leadership Council, outlines the moral and ethical obligations of private practitioners to help reduce the number of homeless animals and euthanasia rates.
August 2018
- Maddie's Fund has awarded a $2.8 million grant to The College of Social Work Program for Pet Health Equity to support research and development of AlignCare, a program directed by HSVMA Board of Directors member, Dr. Michael Blackwell.
July 2018
- HSVMA President of the Board of Directors and Rhode Island State Representative, Dr. Gary Block, addresses how the term 'standard of care,' as it relates to veterinary medicine, needs to be redefined for legal and ethical reasons.
June 2018
- Factors and trends affecting the dog population in this country are addressed in a paper co-authored by Dr. Andrew Rowan, HSUS Chief Scientific Officer and HSVMA Executive Director.
April 2018
- Dr. Nicholas Dodman, HSVMA Massachusetts State Representative, states that animals who have behavioral disorders could benefit from psychiatric drugs, and this treatment may prevent them from being relinquished to shelters.
April 2018
- HSVMA Leadership Council member, Dr. Katy Nelson, questions the ethics of cloning a pet.
March 2018
- Dr. Paula Kislak, member of the Board of Directors for both HSUS and HSVMA and one of two HSVMA California State Representatives, cites the cruel conditions that dogs are forced to endure in the name of the sled dog industry
March 2018
- HSVMA Colorado State Representative, Dr. Jon Geller, administers medical treatment to the pets of the homeless via his non-profit, Street Dog Coalition
February 2018
- Dr. Andrew Rowan, HSVMA's Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer for the HSUS, addresses the use of monkeys in Volkswagen's research in a letter to the editor of The New York Times.
January 2018
- HSVMA Massachusetts State Representative, Dr. Nicholas Dodman, questions the source of pentobarbital recently found in dog food.
February 2018
- HSVMA Veterinary Advisor, Dr. Barbara Hodges, gives tips on how to make sure your dog's collar is safe and not in danger of harming your canine friend.
- HSVMA Veterinary Advisor, Dr. Barbara Hodges, speaks to the popularity of alternative therapies as a complement to traditional veterinary medicine.
December 2017
- HSVMA Connecticut State Representative, Dr. Melissa Shapiro, weighs in on Yale's decision to change it's mascot, Handsome Dan, to a different breed of bulldog.
May 2017
- HSVMA New York State Representative, Dr. Eileen Jefferson, is quoted in an article about Mars' acquisition of VCA and the consequences of corporate consolidation in JAVMA.
May 2017
- HSVMA Massachusetts State Representative, Dr. Nicholas Dodman, gives advice for safe travel with your cat.
March 2017
- HSVMA member, Dr. Lucia Roberts urges New York State veterinary professionals to let Sen. Joseph Griffo know they support his bill to prohibit cat declawing for non-medical purposes.
April 2016
- The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine publication, Advance profiled long-time HSVMA member, Dr. Chumkee Aziz and the shelter medicine research she is working on during her residency in the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program.
April 2016
- HSVMA Leadership Council member, Dr. Joann Lindenmayer, testified before the Massachusetts State Agriculture Committee on behalf of a bill that would require larger cages for laying hens, pigs, and veal calves.
February 2016
- HSVMA's Colorado State Representative, Dr. Jon Geller, and his organization that provides free veterinary care for the pets of the homeless are profiled in the October 15, 2015 issue of JAVMA.
December 2015
- The artwork of longtime HSVMA member, Dr. Laurie Peek, is featured on the cover of the December 1, 2015 issue of JAVMA.
October 2015
- HSVMA Senior Veterinary Advisor, Dr. Barry Kellogg reminds pet owners that humidity, as well as ambient temperature, can negatively affect pets.
July 2015
- HSVMA joined the Coalition for Horse Racing Integrity, a group that supports federal legislation to authorize oversight of equine medication, testing, and enforcement.
June 2015
- HSVMA gives advice for keeping pets cool in the summer to WMC Action News 5 in Memphis, Tenn. and WKOW in Madison, Wis.
June 2015
- HSVMA senior veterinary advisor, Dr. Barry Kellogg, discusses flea prevention in the Sam's Club publication, Healthy Living.
May/June 2015 issue
- Listen to HSVMA senior veterinary advisor, Dr. Barry Kellogg, talk to the hosts of the radio show, "Men's Health Live" about fitness trackers for dogs and pet obesity, in general.
May 2015
- HSVMA veterinary advisor, Dr. Barbara Hodges, voices welfare concerns about primate research centers and explains why primate research should be a thing of the past.
June 2014
- HSVMA Leadership Council member, Dr. Joann Lindenmayer, discusses concerns surrounding the use of subtherapeutic antibiotics in intesively-confined farm animals, and urges the Massachusetts Legislature to pass a bill that would ban the use of these housing systems to help improve the health and well-being of people and animals.
June 2014
- HSVMA Senior Veterinary Advisor, Dr. Barry Kellogg, contributed to an article highlighting tips for keeping pets safe in extreme heat and humidity.
June 2014
- HSVMA Senior Veterinary Advisor, Dr. Barry Kellogg, says clinical research on the effects of marijuana in animals is needed to establish a knowledge base so veterinarians can better understand how to treat animals who ingest the drug, and maybe even learn if animals can benefit from its use.
April 2014
- Our two humane veterinary student award winners, Michelle White and Ada Norris were acknowledged for their win in their school newspaper, the Cornell Chronicle .
April 2014
- HSVMA member, Kim Keane, is profiled for her work as a veterinary technician and volunteer with her local SPCA, and advocates for more volunteers to help shelter staff.
March 2014
- HSVMA Leadership Council member and former Food and Drug Administration official, Dr. Michael Blackwell, is quoted in an NPR piece that questions whether farm veterinarians are pushing too many antibiotics.
November 2013
- The AVMA looks at a recent UC-Davis study that caused some in the profession to reevaluate their opinions on spay/neuter practices, and highlights points made during HSVMA's September webinar on spay/neuter research by presenter Dr. Philip A. Bushby, professor of humane ethics and animal welfare at the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
October 2013
- HSVMA member Aubrey Lavizzo, DVM talks about the documentary, The Paw Project, and offers alternatives to declawing cats.
September 2013
- HSVMA Senior Veterinary Advisor, Barry Kellogg, VMD, voices support for a New Jersey bill that would ban gestation crates in the state and urges legislators to support the measure.
September 2013
- National Geographic discusses a documentary, The Paw Project, which follows the efforts of HSVMA member, Dr. Jennifer Conrad, to ban declawing in the United States.
September 2013
- HSVMA Senior Veterinary Advisor, Barry Kellogg, VMD, explains why he and more than 175 Massachussetts veterinarians support a ban on confinement crates for calves and gestation crates for pregnant sows.
July 2013
- The Penobscot Bay Pilot in Maine shared our four tips for keeping pets safe on Independence Day.
July 2013
- The work of HSVMA-RAVS veterinarian and 2011 HSVMA Veterinary Practitioner of the Year, Dr. David Turoff, is highlighted in his local newspaper, the Mountain Democrat.
June 2013
- HSVMA member Dr. Barry Kipperman explains why he believes small animal veterinarians should care about farm animals.
May 2013
- HSVMA members provided veterinary support during an exotic animal rescue in Atchison, Kan.
May 2013
- HSVMA Leadership Council Chair Dr. Holly Cheever explains why she opposes devocalization and voices her support for senate bill S.2271, proposed legislation that would prohibit the procedure in New York state.
April 2013
- HSVMA member Dr. Gordon Stull shares his thoughts on why New Jersey should ban gestation crates and urges support for S1921 — state legislation that would prohibit use of the crates.
March 2013
- HSVMA-RAVS professional volunteers who teach at at veterinary technician school in Utah spearheaded a fundraiser for the program with the school's NAVTA student chapter.
March 2013
- DVM360 reported on the reaction of HSVMA and animal protection organizations to a recent study on cats and wildlife that could unfairly cast a bad rap on felines.
March 2013
- The University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine highlighted HSVMA's sponsorship of two summer 2013 research fellowships with Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Program in conjunction with the Merial Student Scholars Program.
March 2013
- Veterinary Practice News highlights veterinary response, including HSVMA's, to a study study conducted by the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Division of Migratory Birds that brought new attention to the controversial issue of cats and wildlife predation.
February 2013
- HSVMA veterinary advisor Dr. Susan Krebsbach was quoted in a Bloomberg article about new dog and cat robot models that will eliminate the need to use live animals for teaching students how to treat animals in emergency or critical care situations.
January 2013
- The Pig Site reported on the support of more than 100 New Jersey veterinarians who signed on our letter of support of legislation that would end the use of gestation crates in the state.
January 2013
- shared our support of New Jersey Assembly Bill 3250, legislation that would end the use of gestation crates for breeding pigs.
January 2013
- HSVMA Senior Veterinary Advisor, Dr. Barry Kellogg shared winter dog care tips on Beneful's website.
January 2013
- Thanks to CBS News for covering the efforts of Coalition to Protect & Rescue Pets and HSVMA to ban non-therapeutic devocalization in the United States.
November 2012
- HSVMA Leadership Council member Dr. Brian Forsgren discusses why low-cost clinics don't post a threat to his clinic, and why his business model is successful.
October 2012
- Several media outlets shared HSVMA's National Pet Wellness Month tips for keeping pets healthy, including DVM360, the Wilmington Star News, the Lawrenceville (Ga.) Patch, and The Oregonian.
October 2012
- mentions HSVMA's welcoming of the newly-approved American College of Animal Welfare.
September 2012
- DVM360 covered the passage of California Senate Bill 1229, legislation co-sponsored by HSVMA that will prohibit landlords from requiring declawing or devocaliztion as a condition of occupancy. The bill is currently on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk awaiting his signature.
September 2012
- HSVMA Leadership Council member, Dr. Patricia Olson, is one of 23 charter diplomate members of the American College of Animal Welfare and also assisted in the development of the requirements and standards for the new veterinary board specialty.
September 2012
- The Los Angeles Times mentioned HSVMA's work on a bill that was just passed in California to protect renters and their pets.
September 2012
- Modern Dog magazine wrote a blog post encouraging their readers to support the work of HSVMA-RAVS.
August 2012
- HSVMA Board President Dr. Paula Kislak wrote a Letter to the Editor to the Santa Barbara Independent asking why the California city funds an an inhumane event—a rodeo that is part of a larger event celebrating Santa Barbara's history.
August 2012
- Dr. Barbara Hodges, HSVMA veterinary consultant, discusses tips for coping with the loss of a pet with Woman's Day.
August 2012
- HSVMA Board President Dr. Paula Kislak wrote a Letter to the Editor to the Santa Barbara Independent asking why the California city funds an an inhumane event—a rodeo that is part of a larger event celebrating Santa Barbara's history.
August 2012
- KX News in North Dakota visits an HSVMA-RAVS clinic on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The article includes video coverage of RAVS' work.
August 2012
- A first-time volunteer talks about her experience with HSVMA-RAVS in South Dakota as being focused on animal care above personal hygeine.
August 2012
- The Humane Society of the United States and HSVMA applaud U.S Rep. Jim Moran, D-VA, for introducing a resolution asking animal shelters to cease the use of carbon monoxide gas chambers for euthanasia. HSVMA and The HSUS will work together to help secure injectable drugs for shelters that do not have access to them..
July 2012
- Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVB, HSVMA Leadership Council member, professor of veterinary medicine at Tufts University and animal behaviorist, explained why dogs (and cats) are fascinated by laser pointers.
July 2012
- The 2012 HSVMA-RAVS clinics in the Spirit Lake Nation of North Dakota were announced in the Devil's Lake Journal.
July 2012
- Susan Krebsbach, DVM, an HSVMA veterinary consultant, talks about her experience as a veterinary student fighting for an alternative to terminal surgeries in an Animal Sheltering magazine article about the move towards positive partnerships between animal shelters and veterinary schools that open opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience that helps—rather than harms—animals.
July 2012
- The West River Eagle covers the HSVMA-RAVS team treating pets of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.
June 2012
- The California State Senate unanimously passed a proposed bill co-sponsored by HSVMA that would prevent landlords from requiring declawing and/or devocalization for tenants' pets. The bill now awaits a vote by the state assembly.
June 2012
- Susan Monger, DVM, HSVMA-RAVS International Director, Dave Turoff, DVM, HSVMA-RAVS veterinarian, and Richard Bachman, DVM, HSVMA member and former HSVMA Leadership Council member, were featured speakers for Making International Veterinary Aid Sustainable, a seminar sponsored by the International Animal Welfare Training Institute at UC-Davis.
May 2012
- Sara White, DVM, an HSVMA member and one of the winners of HSVMA's Best Friend to Feral Cats award in 2010, wrote an article entitled "Prevention of Feral Suffering During Ovariohysterectomy of Pregnant Animals," published in the May 15, 2012 issue of JAVMA.
May 2012
- HSVMA veterinary consultant, Dr. Barbara Hodges, submitted a Letter to the Editor to DVM Newsmagazine
in response to a February 2012 article about Mississippi veterinarians who convened on a Hattiesburg, Miss. animal shelter to protest their low-cost sterilization program. May 2012
- Susan Krebsbach, DVM, an HSVMA veterinary consultant, is quoted in an article about the rising cat obesity problem by The Oklahoman.
Jan 2012
- Sarah Gordon, DVM, an HSVMA member and first recipient of the HSVMA Veterinary Student Advocacy Award, helps authorities put an end to an Oklahoma puppy mill.
Jan 2012
- Barbara Hodges, DVM, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, was quoted in a Good Dog magazine article about pet cosmetic surgeries.
Sept 2011
- Susan Krebsbach, DVM, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, discussed the potential effect of an immiticide shortage on shelter animals.
Aug 2011
- Susan Krebsbach, DVM, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, was interviewed for an article about the inhumane use of carbon monoxide as a method of euthanasia.
June 2011
- Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVB, HSVMA Leadership Council member, professor of veterinary medicine at Tufts University and animal behaviorist, recently spoke at the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants conference on the topic of compulsive disorders in animals.
May 2011
- Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVB, HSVMA Leadership Council member, professor of veterinary medicine at Tufts University and animal behaviorist, recently co-submitted a letter to the editor of JAVMA recommending that the veterinary profession be more proactive in addressing the issue of horse welfare and slaughter.
Apr 2011
- The HSUS and HSVMA are backing a bill in Oregon to give caged, egg-laying hens more room to move.
Mar 2011
- Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVB, a professor of veterinary medicine at Tufts University and animal behaviorist, has collaborated with other veterinarians on a book for pet owners with senior dogs.
Jan 2011
- Jennifer Scarlett, DVM, consultant for HSVMA Field Services and newly-appointed co-president for San Francisco SPCA, was named a recipient of the 2011 Association of Shelter Veterinarians Meritorious Achievement Award for her contributions in the veterinary field.
Jan 2011
- Susan Krebsbach, DVM, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, submitted a letter to the editor of DVM magazine regarding their neglect to mention veterinary support of Proposition B, the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention act.
Jan 2011
- Susan Krebsbach, DVM, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, presented a $25,000 check to the University of Florida's HAARTS program late last year, thanks to HSVMA and the Kislak Family Fund.
Nov 2010
- Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVB, a professor of veterinary medicine at Tufts University and animal behaviorist, was interviewed on NPR on the topic of how owners can help their senior dogs.
Nov 2010
- We are sad to report that veterinarian and animal advocate, Dr. Dean Wyatt, passed away. Read more about his accomplishments on Wayne Pacelle's blog.
Nov 2010
- The HSUS helped fund a study, conducted by Dr. Linda Lord, an assistant professor of preventive medicine at The Ohio State University, concerning cats' tolerance of collars, which should encourage veterinarians to discuss the importance of identification during annual wellness exams.
Sept 2010
- Barbara Hodges, DVM, MBA, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, offers some pointers for keeping pets safe in the cold.
Sept 2010
- Veterinary behaviorist Melissa Bain, DVM, DACVB, MS, who gave a webinar for HSVMA, discusses aggression in pets for DVM 360.
Aug 2010
- Paula Kislak, DVM, was interviewed for an article in Veterinary Practice News about a study regarding cat ownership.
Dec 2009
- Paula Kislak, DVM, wrote an article in a local California paper, in an effort to raise awareness about pet overpopulation and reduce the tragic number of animals euthanized in shelters.
Nov 2009
- Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVB, a professor of veterinary medicine at Tufts University and animal behaviorist, was interviewed by a local paper regarding the Massachusetts bill that would ban the devocalization of dogs and cats.
Jun 2009
- Barbara Hodges, DVM, MBA, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, was interviewed for an article in DVM News magazine, discussing the increased awareness of animal welfare issues in the veterinary profession today.
Apr 2009
- Holly Cheever, DVM, vice president of the New York State Humane Association, was interviewed in the movie, Blinders, which won a Genesis Award for TV Documentary. Dr. Cheever has been diligently working on the issue of NYC's urban carriage horse trade since 1988.
Mar 2009
- Barbara Hodges, DVM, MBA, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, was interviewed for an article in the Scoop online, discussing the painful cosmetic procedures of ear cropping and tail docking.
Mar 2009
- Susan Krebsbach, DVM, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, submitted an op-ed to The Oklahoman in response to the OSU School of Veterinary Medicine controversy.
Mar 2009
- Paula Kislak, DVM, was interviewed by a local news show about the rescue of a group of abandoned greyhounds from Guam. Listen to the broadcast.
Feb 2009
- Barbara Hodges, DVM, MBA, a veterinary consultant for HSVMA, was interviewed by DVM magazine on reaction to the AVMA policy on ear cropping, which takes a stronger stand against the procedure and urges breed clubs to eliminate ear cropping and tail docking from their standards. Dr. Hodges also submitted a letter to the editor of JAVMA, commending the AVMA for the stronger position, but pointing out that there is more to be done on other cosmetic and convenience procedures, such as declawing and devocalization.
Jan, Feb 2009
- Larry Peetz, DVM, was featured in a article for The Humane Society of the United States, discussing his role in the veterinary community as an activist for animal welfare.
Nov 2008
- Gordon Stull, VMD, director of the Burlington County Feral Cat Initiative in New Jersey, was interviewed by Animal Sheltering magazine on the medical issues involved in feral cat management and how feral cat caretakers can best care for their colonies.
Sept 2008
- Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVB, a professor of veterinary medicine at Tufts University and founding member of Veterinarians for Equine Welfare, continues his advocacy for equine welfare in an interview in DVM magazine on the issue of horse slaughter. Responding to opponents of a horse slaughter ban, Dodman states that the slaughter industry is "predatory and brutal" and adds that "any group or organization that supports it really needs to evaluate what they are all about." He also weighed in on the issue in this CBC News Investigation.
Sept 2008
- Holly Cheever, DVM, submitted a letter to the editor, taking the horse industry to task for racing horses too hard at a young age, following the tragic euthanasia of Eight Belles after the 2008 Kentucky Derby.
May 2008