Continuing Education Webinars - Archived Webinars
These recordings are all available for RACE CE credits (unless otherwise noted) and are free for current HSVMA members. JOIN NOW»
Archived Webinars by Topic (see below for more detailed information on these webinar topics and presenters)

Archived Webinars In Chronological Order of Date Presented (starting with most recent webinar at the top)

Isn't That Just Medicine? The Art and Science of Spectrum of Care
Presented by Dr. Kate Boatright, VMD, Founder, KMB Veterinary Media LLC
Veterinarians are in the unique and challenging position of balancing the medical needs of their patients with the emotional, physical, and financial needs of their clients and their own moral and legal obligations to both. Embracing the spectrum of care can help to accomplish this delicate balancing act. The key to success in practicing along the spectrum of care is communication. Join Dr. Boatright in a case-based discussion to better understand the spectrum of care and how it can be applied in practice. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»

What the Cluck? Backyard Poultry Medicine
Presented by Dr. Jennifer Graham, DVM, Dipl. ABVP, ACZM
Chickens make the best patients! Backyard poultry represents a growing segment of the companion animal veterinary market, and more veterinarians are needed to keep them healthy and well cared for. This lecture will cover the basics of backyard poultry husbandry, medicine and anatomy and physiology. Attendees will be prepared to add these fabulous creatures to their appointment schedule. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»

Unresponsive Behavior: A Guide to the Evaluation & Compassionate Choices for Refractory Behavior Problems in Companion Animals
Presented by Dr. Sally J. Foote, DVM, CABC-IAABC, LSHC-S, FFE
Refractory behavior problems are something we have all seen in practice. These cases are often highly charged emotionally, and we know that owners who feel they have come to the end of their ability to care for a challenging pet are heartbroken and often guilt ridden. During this important webinar we will consider how to evaluate these cases. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»

Circle of Care: Amputation Pain Solutions and Home Recovery Insights for Amputee Pets and Their People
Presented by Dr. Tamara Grubb, DVM, PhD, DACVAA, Jim Nelson and Rene Agredano
Amputations are major surgeries that are painful not only intraoperatively, but can also be painful for a fairly long time post-operatively. The longer recovery time from pain is due to the large areas of soft tissue involvement at the surgery site and the severing of numerous, some fairly large, nerves. The latter initiates neuropathic pain, which can be difficult to control. If the amputation is done because of a painful lesion, the pre-existing pain will exacerbate the intra- and post-operative pain. Dr Grubb will discuss pre-, intra- and post-operative analgesic strategies. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»

Peek Before You Pick: How to Select a Dog Trainer Presented by Dr. Melissa Bain, DVM, DACVB, MS, DACAW Have you ever wondered how to select a dog trainer to whom you are comfortable sending your clients? If so, you are not alone in the minefield of alphabet soup and overpromised results. In this talk, we will review learning theory and the responsibilities that veterinary professionals have when referring their clients for training and behavior modification for their dogs. With real-life examples we will go over how to best identify trainers that utilize humane and scientifically-sound methods, along with how to identify misleading verbiage that some trainers use in order to help you best support your patients. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
Living with Claws: Confidently Provide Guidance to Feline Owners Presented by Dr. Ashlie Saffire, DVM, DABVP (Feline) This discussion equips the veterinary team with information and tools to educate pet parents on alternatives to declawing. By ending the elective onychectomy procedure we are protecting the welfare of our feline patients, but we also must know how to help pet parents live in harmony with cats and their claws. With a plethora of information out there, this discussion will streamline what you need to know today to set your pet parents up for success tomorrow. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
Reap What You Sow: Applying Positive Reinforcement to Horse Health Care Presented by Dr. Robin Foster, PhD, CAAB, Certified Horse Behavior Consultant This Equine Behavior program provides information about the use of positive techniques to reduce distress and promote voluntary cooperation in horses, which in turn improve the safety of veterinary professionals. The techniques are based on scientifically validated principles of learning and behavior that have proven effectiveness and are recognized as being humane. The focus of the program is on horses and the objective will be to provide detailed information and illustrative examples about how to apply these techniques in a veterinary practice. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
In It for the Long Haul: Well-Being Considerations for Career Contentment Presented by Debrah Lee, LCSW, Veterinary Well-Being Program; Director, DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital Veterinary medicine can be a uniquely rewarding profession, and there are inherent challenges within the field that can influence our well-being. Increasing awareness and giving voice to those factors within the work and our daily lives that contribute to distress and discontent is necessary for making changes that can improve well-being and support career contentment. This session seeks to create greater understanding of compassion fatigue, burnout, and moral distress within the context of the neurobiology of trauma/chronic stress, and it will discuss tools and practices that support the different domains of well-being within this context. It will also look at relevant community resources for consideration within the field of veterinary medicine. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
In the Know About Noses: Health Trends in Brachycephalic Breeds
Presented by Dr. Jules Benson, Chief Veterinary Officer, Nationwide, and Dr. Emily Tincher, Senior Director of Pet Health, Nationwide
Veterinary Technicians are an essential part of the veterinary healthcare team. Currently, technicians are in high demand and short supply with demand expected to grow exponentially over the next several years. During this presentation we will discuss the scope of practice for veterinary technicians and the difference between veterinary assistants and technicians. Attendees will learn where to find and interpret the practice act & rules of their state. Proper utilization of professional veterinary technicians can help mitigate the veterinary shortage as well as increase practice revenue and efficiency. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
Veterinary Technician Utilization: What Does That Mean & How Do We Do It? Presented by Leslie Wereszczak, MS, LVMT, VTS (ECC) Veterinary Technicians are an essential part of the veterinary healthcare team. Currently, technicians are in high demand and short supply with demand expected to grow exponentially over the next several years. During this presentation we will discuss the scope of practice for veterinary technicians and the difference between veterinary assistants and technicians. Attendees will learn where to find and interpret the practice act & rules of their state. Proper utilization of professional veterinary technicians can help mitigate the veterinary shortage as well as increase practice revenue and efficiency. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
Multi-Cat Households: Updates to Recognizing and Managing Intercat Conflict Presented by Dr. Ilona Rodan, DVM, ABVP Feline, IAABC-CCBC Although intercat conflict is common in companion cats, it is often unrecognized because of the subtle signs that occur more frequently than hissing or fighting. Learn the interplay between mental and physical health and how to manage the distress in these patients. Psychopharmacology is often recommended, but it is most important to address the physical and social environment and identify whether medical management is needed. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
Environmental Chemicals & Cancer Risks in Dogs: What Should We Be Advising Owners? Presented by Dr. Lauren Trepanier, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVCP Several common canine cancers have been shown to be related to environmental chemical exposures. This presentation will identify specific environmental chemical exposures associated with specific cancers in dogs. Bladder cancer and lymphoma have strong links to environmental chemical exposures in people, and we are finding that the same may be true for dogs. Evidence for specific chemical exposures and these cancers in dogs will be presented and practical recommendations to make to owners of high-risk breeds will be provided. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»

Rabbits, the New Cat? Embrace Treating Rabbits with Confidence Presented by Dr. Zarah Hedge, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice) Domestic rabbits are the third most popular pet in the United States, and not surprisingly, the third most common pet found in animal shelters. Many general practitioners are not comfortable with rabbit medicine and surgery, however there is a need for expanding these services. This presentation will go over basic rabbit husbandry, some of the more common rabbit diseases, as well as touch on the importance of and techniques for rabbit spay and neuter. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
Is That Old Dog Frail? Perspectives from the Dog Aging Project Presented by Dr. Genna Atiee, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM) The Dog Aging Project is an innovative and enormous initiative that brings together a community of dogs, owners, veterinarians, researchers, and volunteers to carry out the most ambitious canine health study in the world. It is a longitudinal study of aging in over 37,000 American dogs. Its work is centered on two fundamental goals: understanding how genes, lifestyle, and environment influence aging; and intervening to increase health span, the period of life spent free from disease. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»

Obesity and Laminitis: Keep the Horse's Mind and Body Healthy while Restricting Diet Presented by Danica Pollard, MSc, PhD (Veterinary Epidemiology) Weight management is a challenge for many horse, mule and donkey owners. Obesity and the associated health-related impacts are well-documented with equine laminitis being the consequence of greatest welfare concern. This webinar will focus on how we can provide horses with options to promote loss of excess fat, maintain a healthy body condition and reduce the risk of laminitis while still enabling them to be a horse and live a rich life. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
Where Will the "Good" Dogs Come From? A Look at the Current and Future Landscape of Dog Acquisition Presented by Jessica Hekman, DVM, PhD How can a consumer feel confident that they will find a healthy, long-lived dog who will make a behaviorally sound pet? How do we convince clients to be patient and understand they shouldn’t order puppies online as if they were sweaters? Attendees will learn about the current state of the acquisition of dogs/puppies, gain knowledge about the geographic differences in demographics of availability of physically and mentally healthy dogs/pups, and from shared research, practitioners will understand the extent to which selective dog breeding has compromised dogs' genotypes and phenotypes. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
Chonky Cats: Health Hazard or Hype? How to Communicate the Dangers to Cat Parents Presented by Ernie Ward, DVM, CVFT Chonky cats. Round boys. Fat and happy or sick and debilitated? During this webinar we will gain better insight into the prevalence of feline obesity in the United States, common comorbidities, diagnostic testing and latest therapeutic approaches. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
All About Behavior: How to Approach Behavior Cases in General Practice Presented by Christine D. Calder, DVM, DACVB This behavior webinar explores the process of diagnosing common behavior problems in dogs and cats and outlines the steps needed when creating and implementing a behavior plan. The difference between a primary behavioral problem and a training issue is discussed as well as which cases should be handled in general practice versus which should be referred to a behaviorist. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»

The Veterinarian's Role in the Emerging Field of Wildlife Fertility Control Presented by Randall E. Junge, MS, DVM, DACZM, DACAW; Kathleen A. Carey, DVM; and Allen Rutberg, PhD Due to growing public opposition to the use of traditional, lethal methods for mitigating human-wildlife conflicts, wildlife managers are now exploring the use of innovative, non-lethal fertility control methods for managing wildlife populations. This presentation illustrates the important role veterinarians are playing in the development and advancement of this emerging field of wildlife management. Major fertility control methods currently used to manage free-roaming wildlife populations are reviewed including surgical and non-surgical and some of the controversies surrounding these methods. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Befriending Your Grief: How to Cope with Euthanasia and Other Veterinary-Related Losses Presented by Sarina Manifold, LCSW-Veterinary Social Work While there has been education and information provided to veterinary professionals on how to support animal owners through their grief, very little attention is paid to the grief veterinary professionals experience themselves. This program covers grief reactions related to the primary and secondary losses veterinary professionals experience every day. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Pain and Suffering the ER: A New Paradigm Presented by Jon Geller, DVM, DABVP emeritus, CVPM, CVJ, CHT-V Based on Dr. Geller’s 20 years experience as an emergency clinician, this fast-paced presentation will include practical tips and procedures for the emergency clinician, as well as students and interns considering working in emergency medicine. A special focus will be made on maintaining patient comfort and welfare concerns in the chaotic environment of the veterinary emergency room. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»

Best Practices for Rescue Horses: Horses in Transition Presented by Stacie Boswell, DVM, DACVS-LA Dr. Boswell discusses caring for equines in transition who have medical issues, particularly managing a horse’s return to health after starvation or prolonged caloric deficiency. She also identifies additional health needs for an individual neglected horse and reviews how to triage health and behavioral considerations for optimum well-being. Refeeding syndrome and considerations for euthanasia are discussed. View the webinar» Not a member? Join now»
These Toes Were Made for More Than Scratching: The Case Against Feline Toe Amputation Presented by Robin Downing, DVM, MS, DAAPM, DACVSMR, CVPP, CCRP As a specialist in pain management, Dr. Downing has a unique, expert perspective on issues related to cat declawing (feline toe amputation) and why it should not be performed on cats. During this webinar, Dr. Downing addresses the chronic maladaptive pain and pathologic changes in biomechanics that can result from feline toe amputation, the bioethical violations involved in feline toe amputation and strategies to share with cat owners to encourage cats to use their claws in ways that are acceptable to their human caregivers. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

Hoarding: A Human-Animal Bond Disorder Presented by Lena DeTar, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP This webinar explores the multifactorial issue of hoarding, looking at the role of shelters, private practitioners, animal control, law enforcement, social services and animal welfare organizations. Topics discussed include recognition of potential hoarding situations, who to involve in intervention, understanding when interventions may or may not be successful and understanding challenges faced by shelters. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

Decreasing Stress at the Veterinary Hospital Starts at Home Presented by Meredith Stepita, DVM, DACVB This webinar will help you identify sources of canine and feline stress that occur prior to the veterinary visit and also help you develop a treatment plan and counsel clients regarding behavior modification they can implement at home to decrease stress at the veterinary hospital. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Veterinary Telemedicine: Extending Care Beyond Your Walls Presented by Hilary Jones, DVM This webinar will use real-world data and case examples to demonstrate how virtual care can be used to improve practice efficiency and productivity; expand care to underserved populations (during and after the pandemic); and help mitigate both the direct and indirect effects of the virus in your practice. This special COVID-19 related webinar is open to all participants. View HERE.
Fear Free: How to Do Well While Doing Good Presented by Marty Becker, DVM This webinar will focus on how incorporating Fear Free in your practice can not only help your patients and clients but also your business. Dr. Becker highlights the following information: The two most common things that cause fear, anxiety and stress in pets How to recognize fear, anxiety and stress An introduction to the basic protocols of Fear Free Evidence to show that Fear Free allows you to “do well, by doing good.” What drugs and modalities can be used for treating Fear, Anxiety and Stress Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Veterinarians and the Humane Movement: Past, Present and Future Presented by Bernard Unti, PhD The veterinary profession and the animal protection movement have valuable individual histories as well as a complex and revealing record of convergence over the last 150 years. This webinar explores the important historical relationship between the veterinary profession and the animal protection movement with a look towards where this relationship is headed in the future. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Let's Talk Nutrition: Communicating with Clients About Nutrition Controversies Presented by Julie Churchill, DVM, Phd, DACVN Pet owners crave information about what’s best to feed their pets. This presentation provides guidance for discussing the latest nutrition trends with your clients including addressing myths and misconceptions gleaned from the Internet. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

The Optimal Age for Spay/Neuter Presented by Phil Bushby, DVM, MS, DACVIM This presentation analyzes confusing and often conflicting reports in the veterinary literature to help veterinarians understand the pros and cons of spay/neuter and the most appropriate age to perform these surgeries in male and female dogs and cats. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
Don't Make It Worse: Handling Difficult Dogs in the Clinic Presented by Kelley Bollen, MS, CABC Join animal behaviorist Kelley Bollen to learn how to recognize canine body postures that indicate fear and potential aggression, which human actions in the clinic contribute to fear and aggression and humane handling practice to reduce fear and keep veterinary staff safe. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
Access to Veterinary Care: A National Family Crisis Presented by Michael Blackwell, DVM, MPH, and Susan Krebsbach, DVM, Center for Pet Health Equity, University of Tennessee Join HSVMA for a discussion about this important topic impacting millions of companion animals. Learn about the obstacles to care, veterinary attitudes and practices surrounding this issue, and a new concept aligning social services with veterinary providers to help tackle this problem. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» . (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar)
The Cost of Cuteness: How Veterinary Professionals Can Help Improve the Health and Welfare of Brachycephalics Presented by Sean Wensley, BVSc, MSc, MRCVS Brachycephalic dogs can be endearing, but their body shape and flat face are linked to health problems that reduce their quality of life. Drawing on his collaborative work with the UK Brachycephalic Working Group, Dr. Sean Wensley highlights how veterinarians around the world can help address the health and welfare harms linked to selective breeding of brachycephalics. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

Equine Veterinary Procedures Without the Dust-Up Presented by Robin Foster, PhD, CAAB Learn to read equine body language in a way that reliably signals the horse's level of distress and helps guide decisions on how best to proceed. Dr. Foster reviews techniques to help reduce/eliminate fear, anxiety and stress during routine veterinary procedures and principles of behavior that can be used when horses are extremely fearful or fractious. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

Practicing Veterinary Medicine with Cultural Humility: How It Impacts Patient Outcomes Presented by William Gilles, DVM, WisCARES This webinar sponsored by Safehold Special Risk, a provider of professional liability insurance for the veterinary profession. Many of today’s health care providers, including veterinarians, are working with a diverse clientele. Join Dr. Gilles as he helps us understand the concept of cultural humility, how it differs from cultural competency and good communication skills and how it can help improve patient outcomes and team dynamics. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Before the Rehabilitator Arrives: How to Stabilize Emergency Wildlife Patients Presented by Renata Schneider, DVM, and Lynn Miller, PhD, CWR Drs. Schneider and Miller provide critical information for stabilizing wildlife patients including safe handling tips, the most common interventions needed to stabilize wildlife while minimizing risks to doctor and patient, and the best drugs to use in managing pain and treating infection. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
Veterinary Clinical Trials: Balancing Rewards and Risks for Your Clients and Patients Presented by Jenna Burton, DVM, MS, DACVIM and Craig Clifford, DVM, MS, DACVIM Drs. Burton and Clifford provide an overview regarding the basics of clinical trial conduct, informed owner consent and patient protection while enrolled in clinical trials. They also discuss benefits vs. risks for your patient and resources to help identify clinical trials both locally and nationally. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Medical Cannabis in Small Animal Medicine Presented by Gary Richter, MS, DVM, CVA, CVC, CVWHM Dr. Richter discusses the potential benefits and contraindications of medical cannabis therapy, how to choose the correct products and best formulations to achieve safe and effective outcomes. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
Handling Puppies and Kittens to Be Stress-Free As Adults Presented by Ian Dunbar, PhD, BVetMed, MRCVS Renowned behaviorist Dr. Ian Dunbar discusses the importance of, and techniques for, handling and socialization of puppies and kittens to ensure that they are stress-free as adults, including during clinic visits. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

How Obesity Impacts Animal Welfare Presented by Ernie Ward, DVM, Association for Pet Obesity Prevention Dr. Ward presents the latest scientific evidence on how obesity negatively affects quality-of-life in companion animals, discuss attitudes about pet nutrition, diet and weight loss, and offer strategies for weight loss and client communication tactics for a variety of commonly encountered clinical scenarios. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Bioethics and Advanced Care of Companion Animals: Reflections of a Palliative Care Veterinarian Presented by Lisa Moses, VMD, DACVIM, CVMA and Sponsored by MSPCA-Angell Dr. Moses discusses clinical bioethics and how they can be applied to situations in advanced veterinary medicine. The foundations of ethical conflict in issues such as end of life care for pets and futile/non-beneficial care for animals are discussed, using the presenter's experiences as a specialist in both bioethics and pain/palliative care. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

Climbing Mt. Debt: Understanding Your Student Loans and Navigating Your Repayment Options Presented by Tony Bartels, DVM, MBA, Veterinary Information Network (VIN) This presentation helps veterinarians with student loans understand the complexities of the evolving repayment plans available and helps them formulate a plan for choosing a repayment plan that works best with their situation. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Household Modifications for the Geriatric Patient Presented by Kathleen Cooney, DVM, Home to Heaven Aged and elderly pets comprise over 50% of our companion pet population. Their needs far exceed those of their younger counterparts. One of the best ways to support them is to make the home as safe and mobility-promoting as possible. This webinar will highlight the ways to maintain mobility, keep them eating more regularly, keep better track of medications, and help eliminate night-waking. A happy old pet leads to a happy and more balanced family unit. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
Spinning, Sucking and Snapping: The Many Faces of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Presented by Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, DACVB, DACVAA Dr. Nicholas Dodman, one of the world's most renowned veterinary behaviorists, shares his knowledge on how to diagnosis OCDs in veterinary patients and the options available for treating these anxiety-disorders in cats and dogs. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Calling All Veterinarians Who Perform Spay-Neuter: A Review of the 2016 Updated ASV Spay-Neuter Guidelines Presented by Philip Bushby, DVM, MS, DACVS, and Emily McCobb, DVM, MS, DACVAA Jointly hosted by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians Learn the latest and greatest techniques for performing spay/neuter. ASV presenters, Dr. Phil Bushby and Dr. Emily McCobb review the recently released updated guidelines from the Association of Shelter Veterinarians with a focus on understanding the preoperative, anesthetic, surgical and postoperative systems and techniques that lead to high-quality and high-volume in the spay/neuter setting. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Pet Insurance Primer for Veterinary Professionals
Presented by Doug Kenney, DVM
In surveys when pet owners are asked how much they would spend to save their ill or injured pet a large percentage replied that they would be willing to spend “anything” to save their pet. As practicing veterinarians we know that for many clients, that is simply not possible. During this Pet Insurance Primer webinar, Doug Kenney, DVM explores how pet health insurance can help bridge the gap between the quality of healthcare that clients want to provide for their companion and what they can afford. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Cost of Care: Impact on Animal Welfare and Veterinary Well-Being
Presented by Barry Kipperman, DVM, DACVIM
As veterinary professionals, we are often conflicted by the desire to treat patients to the best of our ability and a client's willingness/ability to meet the rising costs of today's medical capabilities. The costs of care for small animal companions are frequently a limiting factor in the quality of medicine an animal receives. The consequences of these economic limitations are broad in scope. Learn more about the results of a soon to be published survey-based study on the impact of this economic conflict on veterinary professionals. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)

Nuisance Barking in Dogs: Welfare Implications of Different Treatment ModalitiesPresented by Sara Bennett, DVM, MS, DACVBDo clients ask you for advice on how to deal with dogs who "have too much to say?" Are they in need of some guidance on how to distinguish between real science and the pseudoscience so widely marketed? Learn the different normal and abnormal motivations for barking in dogs, the welfare impact different types of learning can have on behavior, how a variety of commercially-available tools to reduce barking work, and more. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE is not available for this webinar.)

Old Cat Souls: Aging, Pain, and Assuring ComfortPresented by Elizabeth Colleran, DVM, MS, DABVP (Feline)Because cats manifest pain differently than dogs, it has gone largely unrecognized and untreated until the last decade. The pathways of pain must be understood in order to be successfully addressed. Chronic pain, in particular, has been neglected in large part because its manifestation is unique in the feline species. This webinar will help you better recognize and treat pain in cats, and help your clients recognize the subtle signs of pain that may go unrecognized at home. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

Introduction to Small Animal Rehabilitation with Relevant EvidencePresented by Andrea L. Looney, DVM, DACVAA, DACVSMR, CCRPThis webinar will cover the goals of physical rehabilitation for small animal patients, evidence showing rehabilitation is worthwhile in small animal patients, simple rehabilitation techniques for orthopedic and neurologic problems in dogs and cats, and which drugs and modalities can be used for pain management in rehab patients. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»

Win-Win: The Value of Shelter/Private Veterinary Practitioner CollaborationPresented by Katie Luke Broaddus, DVM and John Faught, DVMShelters and veterinarians working as collaborative partners can save more animals and promote better animal health community wide. This webinar will help attendees better understand and address the perspectives of shelters and private practice veterinarians, the benefits of forming partnerships, and effective strategies to build and maintain strong relationships that ultimately result in happier and healthier animals that remain in lifelong homes. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Reporting Suspected Abuse: A Roadmap for the Veterinary Community Special three-part series with Melinda Merck, DVM Veterinary professionals are often the first to detect animal abuse as you interact with your clients and patients. Therefore, it is critically important that you have the skills and tools needed to recognize and report abuse. This special three-part webinar series covers all aspects of veterinary involvement in an abuse case, from recognition and documentation, hospital procedures, and the veterinarian's role in the legal case. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
They are Feeding What? Evaluating the Evidence for Popular Small Animal Diets Presented by Cailin R. Heinze MS, VMD, DACVN Alternative feeding strategies have become very popular in the past ten years, and many of these strategies can be emotionally appealing. However, it is very important for veterinarians to be able to appropriately evaluate their patients' feeding strategies and separate out the marketing and myth from the science, especially with regards to safety concerns and nutritional adequacy. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Veterinary Stressors: Keep the Compassion and Kick the Fatigue Presented by Elizabeth B. Strand, PhD, LCSW Veterinary professionals experience death at a rate five times higher than our human physician colleagues. The bond between our patients and their humans can run the gamut from pathological attachment to disposable companions, and anywhere in between. Our workdays are hectic and the pressure from other aspects of our lives can pile on. Learn the triggers for and effects of compassion fatigue, and healthy ways to manage stress. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
Rethinking Common Small Animal Chronic Pain Issues and Therapies Presented by Andrea Looney, DVM, DACVAA, CCRP, DACVSMR There is an increasing focus in veterinary medicine on measuring and resolving pain and suffering, which is supported by an increased understanding of pain neurophysiology, a greater offering of innovative treatments, and consumer demand for more advanced care for their pets. This webinar focuses on chronic medical pain conditions, such as those resulting from trauma, surgical intervention, degenerative disease (osteoarthritis), and neurologic impairments in cats and dogs. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
End of Life Care: Quality of Life Assessment and Hospice Care Presented by Page Yaxley, DVM, DACVECC As veterinary professionals, we face end-of-life decisions with our clients almost daily and it’s important to help guide the experience, and support both client and patient. This webinar will review the human-animal bond, as well as human and veterinary end of life care practices revolving around the core principles of palliative and goal-centered care. Basic information regarding current veterinary euthanasia guidelines and practices will also be covered. View here» Not a member? Join now»
The Veterinary Professional's Role in Dog Bite Prevention Presented by Amy Marder, VMD, CAAB and Janis Bradley, MS As veterinary professionals, we see dogs in what is often their most challenging setting. They often respond to restraint (with or without pain) by growling, snapping, snarling, and biting. Learn how you can help prevent these reactions by teaching them to accept frightening – and even unpleasant procedures – calmly and without restraint. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Surgery Not Required: Current and Future Options in Fertility Control of Dogs and Cats Presented by G. Robert Weedon, DVM, MPH and Amy Fischer, PhD Review recent advancements in non-surgical sterilization and its potential applications, the concerns regarding the health and behavioral aspects of non-surgical sterilization, and learn about Zeuterin™, the only FDA-approved sterilant for use in male dogs. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit not available for this webinar.)
Separation Anxiety: Unsticking the Velcro™ Dog Presented by Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, DACVB, DACVAA Learn about the typical presentation of separation anxiety in dogs. In addition to the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, etiology, and clinical features of this hard-to-treat condition, treatment of separation anxiety—including pharmacotherapy—as well as realistic expectations of what can be achieved will be described in order that owners can be provided with an accurate prognosis. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit not available for this webinar.)
Staying Current with Farm Animal Welfare Issues: A Review of the Science and Ethics Presented by Barry Kipperman, DVM, DACVIM and Michael Blackwell, DVM, MPH Explore conventional and modern definitions of animal welfare and societal changes that are driving legislation affecting farm animals. Research on the rationales, merits, and drawbacks of specific farming methods (including intensive confinement and antibiotic use) will also be reviewed. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Creating a Cat-Friendly Practice Presented by Elizabeth Colleran, DVM, MS, DABVP (Feline) Learn how the unique nature of cats affects their experience in the veterinary setting, and get an overview of alterations that can be made in the small animal practice to better accommodate the needs of your feline patients. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Purebred Paradox: Disease Risks in Purebred Dogs and the Welfare Implications of Dog Breeding Presented by Paula Kislak, DVM and Lorna Grande, DVM A scientific analysis of breed specific problems and conditions that are of greatest concern to veterinary professionals are discussed in this webinar. Ideas for educating clients who breed dogs or are considering acquiring a purebred puppy are also introduced. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now»
Dog Training: The Good, the Bad, and the Inhumane
Presented by Melissa Bain, DVM, DACVB, MS Learn about reinforcement and punishment in dog training and how different tools are used in training so you can then identify trainers you would feel comfortable recommending to your clients. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Veterinary Needs of the Growing Population of Backyard Chickens: Are You Prepared?
Presented by Lynne Luna, DVM, MAM, DACPV This webinar educates veterinarians on basic concepts of backyard poultry medicine that they may encounter in practice with the recent upswing in backyard urban poultry owners. Sign in to view» Not a member? Join now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
FREE WEBINARS (HSVMA membership not required to view)
Managing Your Digital Footprint: Maximizing Social Media for Veterinary Professionals Presented by Brenda Tassava, CVPM, CVJ Learn about the websites and social media platforms that can help you connect with pet owners, pet rescue organizations, and your veterinary colleagues while also getting the word out about your practice and showcasing your humane efforts and successes. View now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
Just In Case: Essentials of Disaster Preparedness for Your Veterinary Clinic Presented by Barry Kellogg, VMD This webinar presents a basic overview of the nature and types of disasters based on real cases and a detailed look at how to prepare a veterinary clinic for a disaster. View now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)
What to Expect if You Report Suspected Animal Abuse or Neglect: Demystifying the Legal Process Presented by Sherry Ramsey, Esq. and Lorna Grande, DVM This webinar imparts basic knowledge of the legal process they can expect if they report suspected non-accidental injury or neglect of a patient. The veterinarian’s role in how that legal decision is made is also discussed. View now» (NOTE: CE credit is not available for this webinar.)