Source: VIN News Service
(August 16, 2021) Norway soon could become the second country to ban the breeding of short-muzzled dogs, adding weight to calls — including a campaign backed by nearly 1,500 veterinarians — for rule changes worldwide. The Norwegian Society for the Protection of Animals (NSPA) is suing three kennel clubs in the country, claiming they are breaching existing animal welfare rules by facilitating the breeding of dogs with serious health issues, including those caused by a flattened face, or brachycephaly. Brachycephaly (brak-ee-SEH-fuh-lee) is evident in more than a dozen dog breeds, including bulldogs and pugs. It is found in other types of animals, too, such as cats, rabbits and horses, and is desired by owners for cosmetic effect...Read more» |
Source: The New York Times
(July 28, 2021) Researchers who work on the genomes of domestic and wild cats say their DNA holds clues to human as well as feline health. Leslie Lyons is a specialist in cat genetics. She is also a cat owner and general cat partisan who has been known to tease her colleagues who study dog genetics with the well-worn adage that “Cats rule. Dogs drool.” That has not been the case with research money and attention to the genetics of disease in cats and dogs, partly because the number of dog breeds offers variety in terms of genetic ailments and perhaps because of a general bias in favor of dogs. But Dr. Lyons, a professor at the University of Missouri, says there are many reasons cats and their diseases are invaluable models for human diseases...Read more» |
(July 12, 2021) With people spending more time at home, animal adoptions surged during the pandemic. Now, veterinary clinics are feeling the impact of all those new pets, reporting longer wait times and a spike in emergency visits. Dr. Kiko Bracker, director of emergency and critical care at the MSPCA’s Angell Animal Medical Center in Boston, told the clinic is seeing a significant increase in requests for appointments, with weeks and months-long bookout times, and longer waits for emergency walk-in services. He believes these impacts are partly due to less experienced pet owners and partly to the increase in pets, especially younger animals...Read more» |
Source: VIN News Service
(June 21, 2021) As I sat down on my day "off" recently, I came across a New York Times column written by Nicholas Kristof extolling the virtues of the veterinary and pharmaceutical professions for their treatment of working moms ("Are Vets and Pharmacists Showing How to Make Careers Work for Moms?"). As a practice owner for the past four years and a veterinarian for nearly 20 years, I almost choked...Read more» |
Source: The New York Times
(June 11, 2021) After being captives of the pandemic for more than a year, we have begun experiencing the pleasures of simple outings: dining al fresco, shopping with a friend, taking a stroll through the zoo. As we snap a selfie by the sea lions for the first time in so long, it seems worth asking, after our collective ordeal, whether our pleasure in seeing wild animals up close is worth the price of their captivity...Read more» |
Source: The New York Times
(June 9, 2021) Veterinarians and pharmacists may be able to help us with more than our pets and our pills. Perhaps they can also guide America to a society that works better for America’s moms. It used to be that vets, like top lawyers, financiers and management consultants, often worked long and irregular hours. Dogs triumphed; vet families suffered. But 77 percent of new vets are female, and they have nurtured a system of group and emergency practices that is more family friendly: If Rover gets sick at night you take him to a 24-hour emergency clinic...Read more» |
Source: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
(June 8, 2021) Many American pet owners struggle financially, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this problem. Yet, the positive effects that companion animals have in people's lives create the need for supportive systems to ensure that financial limitations, and other barriers, do not preclude pet ownership. To help address these barriers, and reach underserved communities, various forms of community-based veterinary medicine programs have been developed across the country. This study assesses two community-based veterinary programs in North Carolina, USA. In addition to perceptions surrounding veterinary services, this study paid specific attention to communication and respect; two additional elements needed for successful community-based veterinary programs...Read more» |
Source: 10 WBNS
(June 1, 2021) Ohio State veterinary students are getting unique hands-on training through a new primary care clinic. On Tuesday, The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine opened the doors of its new Frank Stanton Veterinary Spectrum of Care Clinic. The 35,000 square foot facility allows students in the college of veterinary medicine to advance their clinical training while providing affordable care for pet owners. Normally, OSU veterinary students spend much of their clinical training observing complex cases. This new approach is reflective of a change to the college's educational model, largely impacted by feedback from students, faculty, practitioners, and alumni, according to the College of Veterinary Medicine...Read more» |