Michelle Dally, DVM, JD

Dr. Dally is a mixed-animal veterinarian who ran her own mobile practice for 6.5 years in rural western CO while providing veterinary services for the local shelter which served three counties. She is accredited as a veterinary medical acupuncturist and fear free handler. She moved to Florida in 2020 and started a Brevard County chapter of The Street Dog Coalition. Later that year she was asked to serve on the board of SDC. She currently works as a relief vet in between her volunteer work with the Street Dog Coalition. 

Before entering vet school at 44, she was a lawyer, and served as a Senate legislative aide and later, a political journalist. She shared in a Pulitzer Prize in 2000 for coverage of the Columbine Massacre and published a novel titled “A Highly Placed Source” in 2006. She and her husband raised 4 boys in a blended family in a fairly messy house full of adopted and foster dogs.


Jill Grether, DVM

Dr. Jill Grether earned her doctorate in veterinary medicine from The University of Florida. She is a relief veterinarian practicing throughout Florida at various clinics, including non-profits, private practices, and animal shelters. Her passion for helping people and their cherished animal companions is a driving force, as she actively contributes to the community through philanthropic initiatives. She takes pride in her affiliation with a coalition of veterinarians and rescue organizations devoted to animal welfare.  

Beyond her clinical practice, Dr. Grether possesses a diverse professional history spanning the fields of medical devices, biopharmaceutical enterprises, and academia. In addition, Dr. Grether is pursuing board certification with the American College of Animal Welfare, an endeavor that resonates deeply with her mission to advance animal welfare. 

In the accompanying heartwarming photograph, Dr. Grether is captured alongside Belle, a former foster dog who has since been adopted. 

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